about me

I am a Spiritually Enlightened Being living a FREE life of a Monk (Sanyasin). Born in the Sub Continent of India the land of a Million Healings. With many different abilities and Natural gifts in Spiritual Healing. I left India for England (London) when I was just 13 years of age to study the science of Alternate Medicine connected purely in the Eastern Philosophy. In the year 1972 I had the greatest opportunity to connect with my Spiritual Meditation Master Bhagwan Sri Rajneesh (Osho.) who showed me my path into my Personal Higher Self and also to find my inner being. He “God Bless his Soul” was the one who showed me the way into the Himalayan Mountains where I had the chance to connect with different spiritual beings (Sadhus) who brought me through the study and connection with the greatest healing powers of the Indian natural herbs and spices. Where today I am a “Specialist”. They also taught me how one can heal him / herself with different sort / arts of massages, by working on different acupressure points and meridians in ones own body.
After my return from the mountains I recieved the Vision from the Beyond which gave me the strength & intention of further studying in the field of “AYURVEDA”. Where I then went to Kerala which is the Heart State of “Ayurveda Learning” in India.

I “Studied & Mastered” all the Techniques of “Ayurveda Massages” INTENSIVELY which also took me Practically 7 long years of Intensive Studying & Learning with “Theory & Practice” together. Which & Where I Help my Patients in EVERY possible way in Helping & Healing the “Body-Mind-Soul. Please Note that these Treatments are “Really Intensive” in their working. I also combine the Therapies where need be by telling my Patients which “Indian Spices & Herbs” would also help them & in which way of Life.

As I was Born with the Spiritual Powers of Healing & was also helping Human Beings & the Beloved Animals already. I would like to say that “ALMIGHTY GOD” gave me this Greatest Opportunity to connect with one of the Great Grand Masters from Japan “Shingo Sakuma” (also a Japanese Buddhist Monk) who gave me the Spiritual gift by helping me to open my healing ability of using the “CHI” where he initiated me with the 3 degrees of Reiki in my Body, and also building up my Inner Healing Forces / abilities of using the powers of the “CHI” in the Quantum way where I help other humans, animals, plants and trees with these great Powers of “MY OWN CHI” from deep within me. Today I myself am a Grand Master on the Highest Level on the 7th Degree IN MEDITATION & ENERGY HEALING. I am also a Master of the Healing Forces of the Mighty Prana / Mana Forces having their Roots coming from India and Hawaii. I combine these Great Healing Forces with MY OWN CHI & MY HIGHER SELF & send them Further to whoever is the needy Person.  After practically 40 years of experience and Hard Work in the field of Healing my different techniques help me to help all human beings and animals to help get rid of their personal problems & ailments where the Chemical Medicines cannot help. All who are not wanting to swallow these Chemical Stuff and are wanting to be helped by “Mother Nature” are welcome to connect with me at any given time.

Since 1993 I have been practicing my skills in the European continent again and helping all the needy. At present I live in AUSTRIA. BUT. PLEASE I DON´T KNOW ANY “YESTERDAY” OR ANY “TOMORROW” AS I LIVE TOTALLY IN THE “HERE & NOW”.The duration time for every session after a consultation, 1st of minimum HALF AN HOUR. Takes at least 60 to 120 minutes per session.

 Love is all I share with you.

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